Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Top 7 Natural Remedies for Dengue Fever

Top 7 Dengue Natural Remedies 300x107 Top 7 Natural Remedies for Dengue Fever

Rainy season is around the corner as well as fever outbreaks including Malaria and Dengue.

Dengue fever can be fatal if untreated and undetected. Dengue can be acquired from a bite of mosquito called Aedes aegypti. These mosquitoes live in the tropics and breeds in stagnant waters in cans, vases, old tires and others that will hold enough water. Here’s Nutrition Solution Lifestyle’s List of Top 7 natural remedies for Dengue fever.

This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.

1. RAW PAPAYA LEAVES - It is a natural cure for dengue fever. The juice of Papaya leaf is a sure cure for platellete deficiency. Dr. Sanath Hettige, who conducted the research on 70 dengue fever patients, said papaya leaf juice helps increase white blood cells and platelets, normalizes clotting, and repairs the liver.There is a condition to this remedy, however. According to Hettige, the papaya leaf juice will not be as effective during the final stages of dengue fever since, by then, the patient’s organs are already badly affected by the disease.

- You need 2 pcs. of raw papaya leaves
- Wash thoroughly, pound and squeeze with filter cloth.
- Drink 1 tablespoon per leaf. Therefore, 2 tablespoons per serving, once a day.
- Do not boil or cook or rinse with hot water, it will loosen its strength.

2. FRUIT & VEGETABLE JUICES - Studies show that pure organic fruit & vegetable juices can provide all the basics of human nutrition. It will definitely boost your immune system.
- Make Fruit juices from guyabano, guava, dalandan, pomelo.
- The orange juice is a great enemy of fevers. It also helps with digestion, increased urinary output, promotes antibodies for faster healing and recovery. It gives energy and vitamins, over all agreat source for fighting fevers.
- Make vegetable juices from carrots, cucumber, sweet potato tops, moringa juice and other green leafy vegetables.

3. WATER & FLUIDS - Drink at least 12 glasses of water a day. Maintaining the water balance of the body is necessary and also helps alleviate the fever. Drink lots of fluids and avoid in order to replace fluid loss. It will also help to bring down body temperature and prevents dehydration.

4. YOUNG COCONUT WATER - one of the highest sources of electrolytes, minerals and other trace minerals lost by the body to dehydration. Drinking the juice from a young coconut is like giving your body an instant blood transfusion.

5. TAWA-TAWA - also known as Gatas Gatas, Euphorbia Hirta or Snake Weed. It is considered as dengue controlling agent. Tawa tawa helps increase the platelet count.

- Take 5 to 6 full whole Tawa Tawa plants
- Cut off the roots
- Wash and clean thoroughly
- Fill the pot with clean water. Boil.
- Put Tawa Tawa into a pot of boiling water for 1 minute.
- Let it cool
- Drink 1 to 1 ½ glasses of Tawa Tawa tea every hour for 24 hours only
TIP: To lessen the bitter taste of tawa tawa, add a little brown sugar or muscovado sugar.
Note: The Department of Health (DOH) has said that it is not totally against the use of tawa-tawa leaves to treat dengue.

6. HOLY BASIL / TULSI - The leaves of basil are used for many fevers. Tulsi leaves strengthen the stomach and induce copious perspiration. Tender leaves of the holy basil boiled in water is a very effective prophylsctic (preventive) treatment for the rainy season fevers, which include malaria and dengue. For better taste the tender tulsi leaves can be taken as a tea with a pinch of cardamon powder in it.

In case of acute fevers, a decoction of the leaves boiled with powdered cardamom in half a liter of water and mixed with sugar and milk brings down the temperature. The juice of tulsi leaves can be used to bring down fever. Extract of tulsi leaves in fresh water should be given every 2 to 3 hours. In between one can keep giving sips of water. In children, it is every effective in bringing down the temperature.

7. SWEET POTATO GREENS / CAMOTE TOPS –   Sweet Potato Tops is rich in antioxidants (polyphenolics) which can boost our immune system and may able to fight even against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It can help improve  platelet counts like Tawa-tawa.

Boil leaves for 5 minutes to extract the juice.
Adapted from: sigabong.com, ayushveda.com, abs-cbnnews.com

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