Gates Funded Solar Geoengineering Causing Global Warming Effects
Susanne Pose Jul 18th, 2012
Alarmist scientists at Harvard University have plans to spray thousands of tons of sun-reflecting chemical particles into the earth’s atmosphere to artificially cool the planet.
Over Fort Summer, New Mexico, this solar geoengineering seeks to replicate volcano effects, which shoot sulfates into the stratosphere by using synthetic sulfate aerosols to reflect sunlight back out into space.
In May of this year, a study published in the journal Remote Sensing , co-author Dr. Roy Spencer reported that real data from NASA’s Terra Satellite showed that the earth is naturally expelling heat out into space without the assistance of geoengineering. This empirical data proves that the theories behind geoengineering are bogus and mask another agenda.
David Keith , investigator for the project and president and majority owner of the geoengineering corporation Carbon Engineering (of which gates is a major stakeholder), justifies this engineering of our natural biosphere by saying it is an inexpensive method of slowing down global warming effects. Keith disregards his peers who assert that this action will alter earth’s natural weather patterns while environmental groups decry that geoengineering nullifies their efforts to purport their campaigns to convince the public that man-made climate change is directly causational to human emissions of CO2.
Keith manages the million-dollar geoengineering research that is funded by Bill Gates and the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research. These monies come directly from Gates’ personal funds. Keith himself receives cash from Gates himself, although the amount is undisclosed.
Gates commissioned a previous study with the assistance of a US aerospace corporation who manufactures solar geoengineering technologies.
Gates and the Royal Society were behind the report entitled, Solar Radiation Management and theUS Taskforce on Geoengineering which recommend research into how to manage solar radiation.
The UN Convention on Biological Diversity states that they are actively using geoengineering to combat CO2 emissions.
The US government requested over @2 billion for geoengineering research while only spending $100 million of their grant monies.
Keith and his colleague James Anderson will release a balloon over 80,000 feet over New Mexico that will dump tens of hundreds of kilograms of particles to measure the impact of CO2 on the ozone’s chemistry. This data will assist them in creating the right size sulfate aerosols to release into the atmosphere at a later date.
And the justification for this experiment on our planet is that computer models say that it will be beneficial.
Keith hopes to alter the ozone layer by way of future assaults of sulfate aerosols. Keith explains: “The objective is not to alter the climate, but simply to probe the processes at a micro scale. The direct risk is very small.”
Keith simply disregards that he is causing the altering of our very biosphere under the guise of the hoax of man-made global warming.
Solar engineering will directly amplify specific areas of study as the have chosen sulfuric dust the mimics the emissions of volcanoes. An intended consequences of solar geoengineering is thewhitening of our skies because of the nano particles being released to reflect sunlight. Sulfate aerosols cause whiter daytime skies and sunset to glow brighter.
Pat Mooney, executive director of the Canadian-based technology watchdog ETC Group, said: “Impacts include the potential for further damage to the ozone layer, and disruption of rainfall, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions – potentially threatening the food supplies of billions of people.
It will do nothing to decrease levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere or halt ocean acidification. And solar geoengineering is likely to increase the risk of climate-related international conflict – given that the modeling to date shows it poses greater risks to the global south.”
Geoengineering, solar radiation management , will cause drought from impeding rainfall by 15% in strategic areas in North America and Northern Eurasia, as well as more than 20% in central South America.
Hassan Mousavi , head of Iran’s cultural heritage and tourism organization, says that he is “suspicious about the drought in the southern part of the country” as a “soft war’ against Iran by Western governments.
Mousavi explains: “The world arrogance and colonist (term used by Iranian authorities to label the West) are influencing Iran’s climate conditions using technology… The drought is an acute issue and soft war is completely evident… This level of drought is not normal.”
Recent escalations of sand storms and extremely dry conditions across Iran have devastated cities. In Iraq, desertification has intensified within the last 2 decades.
In 2011, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated at the believed the US government was “causing drought” conditions in Iran and expounded that “European countries are using special equipment to force clouds to dump” their water on their continent.
In 2011, British geo-scientists experimented with a balloon-and-hosepipe device that would have water into the sky. The Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering (SPICE) was funded by the UK government; however their plans were cancelled because the public in the UK demanded that they stop their experiment. While NOGs controlled the scientists at SPICE and the project was revealed as a false flag attempt to seed the clouds to cause predetermined outcomes in weather patterns. If this experiment had been allowed to continue, there would have been future deployment of more geoengineering technology following the outcome of this beta-test.
Keith, claiming to oppose SPICE, said that the experiment would not have furthered solar geoengineering and effectiveness in controlling weather patterns.
Of course, Keith’s ties to the solar geoengineering industry and his cohort Gates have vested stakes in the use of such technologies. They are actively seeking to alter the very basic chemical elements of our atmosphere; changing it to be more sulfuric and toxic to all life on this planet.