Sunday, June 10, 2012

God Is Dead: Catholic Priest Slams Atheism

Excerpt from The Blaze:

Fr. Pontifex is not just a Catholic priest, but he’s also a successful hip-hop artist who gained notoriety after he responded to Jefferson Bethke’s "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus."

Now, he’s back with a new clip, this time taking aim at atheist activism. His new spoken word clip, entitled, "God is dead," delves deeply into secularism in an attempt to debunk its claims.

A description of the video reads:

This video is in response to the claims of the "New Atheism." One that has been presented by the likes of Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens. One who holds faith is NOT irrational. Science and reason are not incompatible with faith - in fact they compliment each other very well because they come from the same source, God. We hope that this video touches the hearts of many people.