Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Reverence For The Eucharist

In Slovakia, when the priest would pass with the Eucharist people would drop on their knees be it on mud, snow, thorns, in reverence and awe. They really know how to adore.

Faithlessness: The Terrible Price of Communion in the Hand

Another sacrilegious scandal at a big papal pep really--this time in Manila. Why is the Vicar treated like God, while God is treated like a bag of Doritos? What part does the institutionalized abuse of Communion in the hand play in this ongoing outrage? Michael Matt takes off the gloves.

Blind Faith In Authority

Natural Cancer Treatments

Communion Kneeling and on the Tongue Is The Preferred Form

Act of Spiritual Communion

St. Damien of Molokai

What Is Holiness?

The Principle of Birth Control

The root principle of birth-control is unsound. It is a glorification of the means and a contempt of the end; it says that the pleasure which is a means to the procreation of children is good, but the children themselves are no good. 
In other words, to be logical, the philosophy of birth-control would commit us to a world in which trees were always blooming but never giving fruit, a world full of sign-posts that were leading nowhere. In this cosmos every tree would be a barren fig tree and for that reason would have upon it the curse of God. 
- Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

An Unbreakable Furry Bond

A friendship develops between two unlikely friends, Pudditat, a top cat, and Tervel, a blind and partially deaf dog.