Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Covenant


Tim Ballard, author of the book "The Covenant". Ballard contends that America’s founding fathers tapped into an ancient power to build the nation — a feat they accomplished against all odds. The founders, being well-versed in Biblical understanding, believed that the U.S. was a new Israel of sorts, birthed out of a relationship and a covenant with the Almighty. Ballard maintains that, in contemporary times, the nation risks losing its blessings if individuals don’t recognize the importance of the covenant and an ongoing relationship with God.
“Those who understand the covenant feel an affinity to Israel,” Ballard explained. “The covenant is a promise between God and his people and the relationship is one of mutual action – God will deliver if we do what he tells us to do — if, as a nation, we strive to live worthy of it. It has nothing to do with denominations. I don’t care what faith you are – as long as you’re believing in God.”
So, what are these blessings, you ask? According to Ballard, they are liberty, protection and prosperity — all elements that the U.S. has traditionally enjoyed. Each, of course, provides substantial benefits to individual citizens and the nation’s survival as a whole. When the “mutual action” that Ballard spoke about is engaged, he claims that “there’s a response from heaven again and again.”

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