Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Ireland Scraps Bill On Abortion

"... And if we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? "
- Mother Teresa of Calcutta

MANILA, April 24, 2012–A supposedly proposed law on permitting abortion was defeated at the Dail Eireann, the Irish Parliament, with a landslide of 109 votes to 20.
The bill, authored by Clare Daly, a Teachta Dala (Parliament Member) of the Socialist Party, would have legalized abortions right up to birth in the European nation.
Bernadette Smyth, director of Irish pro-life group Precious Life, said it is “a victory for Ireland’s unborn children,” and also stated that the so-called ‘Medical Treatment Bill’ is a mere “sugar-coated name to make abortion-on-demand legal.”
“Abortion is not medical treatment,” she added. “There are no circumstances where the life of a mother can only be saved by killing her unborn baby. Even Clare Daly who tabled the motion admitted there was nothing ‘medical’ about it when she said it was really an issue of women’s rights to control their own bodies.”
Another Teachta Dala supporting the bill is Sinn Fein, who recently joined the said group in a rally, saying he wants an Irish Republic patterned after the 1916 Easter Proclamation, yet ends up voting for the bill and being branded as a liar.
“The Proclamation calls on Irish people to cherish all the children of the nation,” Smyth said.
“The question Sinn Fein now has to answer is, how can they cherish children while supporting killing children before they’re born?”
Smyth concluded by saying that Ireland’s unborn children continue to be protected by law, and that the nation is still the safest place in the world to have a baby.
“Precious Life continue to resist any attempt to legalise the killing of our unborn children and we continue to stand with the vast majority of people on the island of Ireland who say ‘NOT IN OUR NAME’,” she enthused.
Abortion is illegal in the Philippines, yet the proposed “reproductive health” (RH) bill being debated in both chambers of Congress poses a threat in its subtle steps toward legalization. Though the measure condemns abortion, it promotes contraception, including the use of the Pill and intrauterine device (IUD) both of which studies have shown have led to early-term abortion. Both have also been linked to serious side-effects on the women using them. 

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